Sunday, September 25, 2011

Movie Review --- Seven Days in Utopia

I really was looking forward to this movie, since it was set near us in Utopia, Texas, and since it was finally going to be a movie that I thought John would love, golf being the central theme.  But I was wrong....the theme turned out to be something totally different - it was a young golfer's journey to finding faith - in himself, in his family, in other people, and most importantly in God.
The movie was good (although not great) and I enjoyed it, despite some unbelievably easily resolved conflicts brought up in the movie, especially the main characters relationship with his father. I think I'd describe it as "cheesy" in many parts because of the odd flashback sequences and acting of some of the characters.  There are some great actors in this movie, but it was somewhat awkward in parts.  I LOVE Robert Duval, love him.  He did a fine job, the movie was a bit rushed, though, and it needed more time to develop the characters.
I would have known much of this if I had done any research at all about the movie before we went...I've found out that this movie was based on David L. Cook’s faith-based novel, Golf’s Sacred Journey: Seven Days at the Links of Utopia.
The movie is completely PG, absolutely no sex, curse words, nothing.  There is some flirtatious bits between the main character and a young woman in the movie, but not even so much as a kiss. They kept the spotlight on this young man's journey from anger and frustration to finding faith in God and in himself.  
I'm interested in reading the book now, and so is John. From what I've read the book is even better. I'm putting it on my list.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this movie. It is based on the story of a young golfer finding faith in himself and in God. This is the center idea of the movie. I love the concept of the movie. I also want to read the book for the same.
