Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z is for Zucchini

What else starts with Z in the garden?  Had to be zucchini!
Lebanese White Marrow Squash
We love summer squash around here and grow several different kinds.  We've had good and bad years with them, but in the good years, we get so many zucchini we end up looking for people to give them to.  Mostly we eat it fresh, freeze a lot of it, and make zucchini bread with the rest.  Yummm....I'm really looking forward to the crop this year.
Golden Zucchini
These Fordhook Zucchini are several weeks behind the others -- I need to mulch and fertilize these this weekend.

I've enjoyed doing the A to Z April Blog Challenge and hope you've enjoyed reading about our garden and animals!  See you next April!


  1. Interesting vegetable which we have just had a great season here in Australia with. I chose this topic as well, only I posted a recipe! Congratulations on completing challenge

  2. If I was doing gardening, I would have done Zingiber for Ginger.

    Thank you so much for participating in the A to Z Challenge! You rock! Congrats on getting to the letter Z! Reminder: there will be an A to Z Reflections round on May 4th. There will be a Linky for it on the main blog, so please look for it there! Please post your reflections on the challenge, visit others, and catch up on the blogs you didn't have time to read!

    Team Macha, Helping Co-Host Zalka
    Maui Jungalow
