Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fall Garden Update - October 12, 2016

While we were gone on vacation, and since we've been back and I've been sick (pneumonia - I don't recommend it!), the garden continues to grow all by itself, along with many, many weeds.  I haven't had the energy to do much more then walk out there and stare at it.  Oh well, the strong will survive!

 The carrots are all growing well. 
 The Georgia Collards look good!
 Of course, the Choys are all looking good, but so many weeds! I may try to do something about these next week - surely I'll be able to do more then.
 I was surprised by the peas.  These are very short, only about a foot tall, but already covered with little pea pods.  I guess we put up a fence for no reason.
 I found a little volunteer tomato plant! Maybe I'll dig it up and put it in the greenhouse.
Yesterday I potted up a couple of tomato plants for the greenhouse. John picked me up a couple of tomato plants at the local hardware store the other day while I was sick.

I told him to get me a couple of full sized tomato plants (no cherry tomatoes) before they were all gone, and he came home with these two. Two of the same type, Surefire.  Can you believe that? I wasn't happy.  I mean, who goes to the store for two tomato plants and buys two of the same type. It's like he doesn't know me at all.  Surely he knows I like to try different types --- all I can say  is, MEN! Sigh...
 I'm trying a new skill this fall - propagation by stem cuttings.  The first one I'm trying is this Brown Turkey fig.  These will be in the greenhouse all winter, and we'll see if they root.  I dipped them in a root hormone first, so hopefully that will help them along.
Today I started these Chester blackberry canes - cut from our own bush.  These will go in the greenhouse, too.  I have some Aztec blackberry canes to start, and I ordered some black raspberry canes that should arrive in a few days.  I'm kind of excited to see if I can make these work!

Tomorrow I'm starting the potted greens for the winter.  It's so good to get my hands back in the dirt again!
The morning glory pole is loving these cool fall mornings!
Sydney examining something on our morning walk out to let the turkeys and chickens out.
Still bringing in lots of jalapenos.
The potted garden is still providing some chard, basil and kale.  Yum...salad makings!

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