Friday, April 27, 2018

Garden Log --- April 27, 2018

And welcome back to another edition of How Does Your Garden Grow! ha! That's about all I'm doing right now, watching the garden grow....

First let me bore you with all my tomato pictures. I'm happy to report that just about every plant in the main garden has little tomatoes on it! Yea!  
 Tomate Silbertanne. These small plants (I think they might be dwarfs) are loaded. 
One has 12 tomatoes and the other has 11. 
 Rumi Banjan. A ruffled yellow tomato from Afghanistan.
 Large Barred Boar. A striped regular sized tomato (red with green stripes.)
Arkansas Traveler. A nice medium little red tomato.

I spent several days this week doing the first pruning of all the tomatoes.  I got most of them done before the nice rain we had this week, and finished up yesterday.  
 Tiny blue bird feather stuck on a tomato flower....pretty!

Most of the okra is starting to poke out of the soil.  They'll grow fast once it gets hot around here.
 Gold Coast okra

The corn is a little slower to germinate. 

I've finally planted the two varieties of vegetables from India that I'm growing for one of my garden groups on FB.  These tiny things are a tiny okra - I think I had 11 seeds and 8 have germinated.  There may be others soon.  I have to send everything that I get from these plants to the group when they are harvested. 
 Today I pulled up all three of the Chirimen Hakusai cabbages - they were starting to bolt.  The chickens and turkeys got much of the outer leaves but I kept the pretty middles and put about 2-1/2 pounds in the freezer for future soups and stir fry dishes.
 Tried to get a close up of the weird flower - there's some longer 
little feelers around it. Very alien looking!

This morning I harvested about 2 pounds of snow peas and snap peas, too.  These all went into the freezer since John and I can't eat all of these fresh. Whew!

 This Amish Snap Pea plant has reached all the way to the top of the 8 ft. squash 
house and embedded itself into the mesh shade cover!
 The Spring Blush Tendril Pea is all that - lots of wiry tendrils! I've 
enjoyed watching this plant make its way.

We've been watching the fruit (and harvesting mulberries already.) The vineyard looks nice right now, but we've had such a hard time with the grapes, I'm not sure what will happen.

Peaches everywhere.  I noticed one of the Rio Grande out in the orchard has peaches that are already turning yellow.  I'm keeping my eye on these! 

Pomegranate Blooms

I found milkweed out in the back of the vineyard on my morning walk - I think this is Antelope Horn milkweed.  I looked for caterpillars on them but didn't find any.  Now I have to go back and look for eggs (I'm watching Angie's posts to find out what to look for!) I'll report on what I find.

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